Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Breeze Across My Face

I press my shoes hard against the concrete floor, part of which have crossed the edge of a silvery strip. Widen my arms, sliding my fingers under the rugged crimson handle of the heavy gate. Adjust my position in an attempt to sway my brows past the rusted metallic azure pole outside, and feel that early morning dew brushing my lash. An ephemeral moment. I pull myself back an inch realizing how far outside my shoes are from the edge. It makes me see the sheet of ballast, colors of which remind me of the vibrant pebbles I saw a day back as the train whistles past. I lift my vision to see an infinite unimaginable vastness. A river passes by. I hear the whispering choir of waving trees. Right before the sky is to get colored with a subfusc yellow and blue, juxtaposed with the reflection of the soft lavender sailing clouds in the crystalline drops, the quietude of the misty dawn exonerates my essence of being. I rotate my eyelid to the right. A gust of wind blows past. I step in breeze realm, close my eyes and fly with the wind back to that rear seat of his bike which drove us to Mussoorie- To feel that breeze which caressed my face then.

The evening of 4th September. Ayush riding it past the tortuous roads with an abyss on one of the sides, the depth of which was growing as we moved ahead. We could picture Dehradun nestled amidst the mountains that rose expansively as the wheels kept strolling forward. We rode into the clouds trimming the picturesque blanket of fog and mist. The deluge from the greyish blue sky washing the curvy thin roads, added to the beauty of the moment. The view from the top, almost 6km height, could galvanize the most enervated creature too.  We sat ourselves down at the best coffee shop in the state & the best omelet shop in the country sipping in life and remembering the old times with each bite. As we moved back to where we started from, against the light of the stars, the burgeoning hills seemed to have a veracious story to tell. We discussed our dreams, and filled each other with the motivation to go all the way to achieve them. Coming back, I met his amazing friends who were all living in the same flat. We sat, laughed, stuffed, drank, puffed and finally slept red-eyed with me having a presentation to give the next day.

Ayush studied in UPES, the college where the Conference was scheduled. I got an opportunity to interact with some keynote speakers that had flown in from Dubai, Germany, and different parts of India discussing with them my dreams and ambition.  Also, I met this girl. Thin red nerves running amidst the glowy big white eyes covered by glasses framed black in color. She had a tinge of Kerela, Kolkata, and Hyderabad in her. We parted ways wishing each other luck.  And again, I was back to that rear seat of his bike, with the wind gushing past my face ameliorating the smell of my breath as we scorched the streets of Dehradun- a city that housed the most important educational bodies of the nation like Indian Military Academy, FRI and much more. For me, it was time to leave the city that had brought with itself the smell of roses, chandler, and chocolate. The weather, that splash of chilled dew drops, and that breeze swathing my soul like the first kiss on a starry night.

The whistle blows again. I look down to see that same sheet of ballast passing away at a greater speed. I get reminded of the amazing conversations I had during my journey meeting people from different backgrounds. A girl whose brother had been kidnapped and murdered, who so dearly wanted to get into IAS and tear apart the mafia; a man who had been working for the past 7 years, full time with an NGO, serving humanity, and according to him doing what God intended him to do; a Cabinet Secretariat who served at the border of our country, for whom India was always at the first place; a research student who was working in Agriculture Department, who wanted to end the worries of farmers forever with her research. All these people and the time spent with them make me ask some existential questions, bringing me to ground realities., inspiring each single thread of my spirit.

I lift my forehead to see the dawn turn into dusk with a rustic charm created by the terrain in the open background outside the boundaries of that gate. I let the breeze blow across my face, for it had all the answers, for this was a moment to seize, for this moment was life!!

"Sometimes I don't know, which moment,
which cool gust of wind will come,
and enchant me,
tousling my hair,
and my heart.."
                                                     - Sanober Khan

Sunday, April 5, 2015

आज माँ को आधी रात फ़ोन कर जगाया

आज माँ को आधी रात फ़ोन कर जगाया,
कुछ कहना था उनसे |
आज पूनम की चाँद तले अश्क ने पलकों को नहलाया,
उसे बहना था कबसे ||

इस चाँद की रौशनी में बीती बोहोत सी रातें,
न जाने अनकही रह गयी यूँ दिल की कितनी बातें |
माँ, उन बातो का जिक्र करना चाहता हु फिर से ,
आज थोड़ी अपनी भी फिक्र करना चाहता हु फिर से ||

जिंदगी के कान में भी चुपके से कहा जाकर,
इतना क्यों सिखाती रहती हो सलीका जीने का?
मधुशाला पढ़कर सोचा बच्चन से कहुँ,
इतना क्यों सिखाते हो तरीका पिने का ||

ऐ जिंदगी, इतनी धौस भी अब न जमाओ,
राहगुज़र कोई हो न हो, ठोकर खाकर ही जी लेंगे |
मैखाने में रखी उस मदिरा की क्या बात करते हो,
हम पलकों से झड़ा अश्क का कतरा-कतरा भी पी लेंगे ||

Monday, February 16, 2015

My Tryst With Nature !

कई नज़्म थे नब्ज़ में कब से क़ैद, 
कभी उन्हें दिल में दबाया,
कभी डायरी के पन्नों  में छुपाया |
उनमें नज़्म कुछ, लब्ज़ पर लाना चाहता हूँ आज,
आख़िर इंक़लाब का आरम्भ तोह खुद से ही होता है ||

1. उड़ान  

पतझड़ की एक शाम, मैं बैठा-बैठा ये सोच रहा था  -

जो टूटकर बिखरे हैं पत्ते, उड़ान तो वो ही भर पाते हैं ;
जो शाखाओ से जुड़े हैं अब भी, वो सिर्फ उसी जगह इठलाते हैं |
उस पत्ते के तरह पतझड़ में,
कभी जो तू सुख कर सिमटने लगे,
या कभी जो तू टूटकर बिखरने लगे,
याद रखना! जिंदगी तो तेरी अब शुरू हुई हैं,
उड़ान भरने का वक़्त आ चुका है |
कुछ कर-गुज़रने का वक़्त आ चुका है ||

2. पुकार

एक सवेरे सागर-किनारे, मैं ये बैठा-बैठा सोच रहा था -

ऊपर निचे, उथल-पुथल कर, 
मानो खुद से दौड़ लगाती थी |
ज्वार-भाटा सरसराते, टकराते, लहराते,
आगे बढ़ती जाती थी |
हुंकार लगाकर, समुद्रे-मन में उफान लाकर,
बार-बार मेरे पास आकर,
मानो मुझसे कुछ कहना चाहती थी |
नयी रेथ की फर्श बनाकर,
मने-कोलाहल में नीरवता लाकर,
हर बार आत्मसंवरण खोकर, मेरे पास आकर,
मुझे कुछ यूँ छुकर जाती थी |
मानो मुझसे कुछ कहना चाहती थी ||

3. मंज़िल

एक कोहरी निशा में, ओस की बूंदो के बीच, बैठा-बैठा सोच रहा था -

इस घने कोहरे से ना जाने ये कैसा लगाव हो चला है,
ना आंसू छुपाने पड़ते हैं,
ना हँसी दिखानी पड़ती है |
सब धुँधला-धुँधला सा,
खामोशी की चादर में लिपटा,
फिर भी एक रौशनी का सुराग ही काफी होता है,
मंज़िल दिखाने के लिए |
हां, एक रौशनी का सुराग ही काफी होता है,
मंज़िल तक पोहोचाने के लिए ||

4. मुहब्बत

मेह पर एक रोज़ शायरी पढ़ते हुए, मैं बैठा-बैठा ये सोच रहा था -

बारिश तोह महत्ता जताती है,
बेवक़्त आती है, बेवक़्त थम जाती है,
सूरज लेकिन जलता रहता है,
चाँद को भी उसकी चांदनी देता है |
बावजूद इसके, शायर चाँद और बारिश में ही,
छेड़ता है प्यार का हर नगमा |
क्या हो अगर सूरज भी मेह का अपनाले रुख,
या हो जाए शायर के उस चाँद से ख़फ़ा?
क्या प्यार वो नहीं जो प्रतिष्ठा न जताए?
क्या प्यार वो नहीं जो दे हर मोड़ पर वफ़ा?

  एक दिन मैं बैठा-बैठा बस, यूँही सोच रहा था || 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Travelling Solo ~ why and how

"Anything that we fully do is an alone journey". Travelling solo is something that is yet to be discovered by a lot of us Indians. Afraid? Expecting a bad trip? Money issues? Family Pressure? What will people around you think? Let everybody be somebody. For you, its you, and the amazing world to be uncovered. Read this one to let your myths burst, and know why is travelling alone one of the most important experiences in life!

Why Go Solo

1. As you travel solo, you become totally responsible for yourself, its inevitable that you will discover just how capable you are.

2. As you are completely on your own on new terrains, the fear of death gets reduced but the desire to live and celebrate life gets increased.

3. "Don't tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have travelled". Surely, there are a lot of lessons that travelling has to offer, which you will never find in textbooks.

4. You realize in contemplation, when you are alone and absorbed by the surroundings (which is hard to happen when travelling in group) what you really love. If you know your true passion, you become more sure about it.

5. You learn talking to new people, and realize how wonderful the world is beyond the 4 walls you were locked up in.

6. In the quest to stay alive, get back safe, you become more alert and hence, enhance your presence of mind. Also, very importantly, you learn to save money.

7. You get ready for all situations in life. Because when travelling alone, weird and amazing things can happen. You learn taking life as it comes. You learn being in the moment.

8. You get to spend time with yourself. "When you are travelling,you are what you are there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road."

Some must do/carry things

1. Travel light. Carry only one luggage, preferably a trekking bag, no matter what. If not this, you might just waste your time on the trip and end up doing not too much. Also, no expensives.

2. Carry a smartphone, if possible that has 3G net pack, Google maps(for GPS), installed. But try avoiding social networking to get absorbed in each moment.  Carry a paper soap, notepad, pen, an engrossing book.

4. "A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you can control it". Accept anything that goes wrong, and try making each moment count. Yet, plan well before leaving, expecting your plans to fail so that  you have a net to fall on.

5. Keep asking directions. But, never to just one person. Remember the routes if possible, when you have the the road on the foot.  

6. Never ever get bounded in deals. Be free. Be independent. Take suggestions. But finally, follow your instincts, keeping in mind your potential

7. The traveller is active; he goes in strenously in search of people, of adventure, of experience. The tourist is passive;  he expects interesting thing to happen. He goes sight-seeing. Be a traveller. Not a tourist.

8. Avoid telling your parents(:P), if they are like most Indian parents. Otherwise, they may get worried. But, make sure, people back home/college are informed and are in touch. Also, carry luck if possible (:P) . I am lucky to have amazing friends like Aman Soni (Bhu).

Few Myth Bursters 

1. Travelling Alone is costly:
Hell no! If you are ready to accommodate under circumstances that are harsh for the lucky you and lucky me, but common for the half  of world's population, and keep seeking advice from locals, you can make it in very cheaply. Trust me, I spent a mere 100 Rs on my night stay in the entire 7 days.

2. The world is a dangerous place:
Hell may break lose even under your balls in the safest place you seek, your home. So, put the apprehensions aside. There are more no. of helpful people than thugs. The world is beautiful and you got to explore. 

3. I will get bored:
Well, read the 'why' thing again properly. Being self-centric is different, getting bored from oneself different. You don't get bored with yourself, with so much happening around you, never.